Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Mayoral Elections in Zambia 2009

What do I think concerning the on-going debate concerning mayoral elections, allow me to add my opinion.

Elections are due in the next month or also because the civic year is almost done and the law as contained in the Local Governent Act. The argument is that mayors have only been office for about 3 months so it would be meaningless to hold fresh elections. Question is why?

This is one of the easiest debates to have around. The whole confusion was a creation of the 'all-knowing and infallible' late Minister of Local Govt & Housing Hon. Benny Tetamashimba, MP. This problem would not have arisen if he had listened to dissenting views. He instead insisted on suspending these elections with considering due repecursions. This is what it means to disregard the law and even the opinions and advice of others. The law must not be twisted and tailored to suit particular individuals or situations.

My opinion however is that the law must be followed at this time regardless of any factor because two wrongs don't make a right. This is the only logical and convinient thing. If the majority of coucillors feel the current mayors should continue, let elections be held but agree to let them pass unopposed.

I rest my case.

Percy Mwale,

The Lotus Plant

In our pursuit for success, human beings tend to do a whole lot of things. We infact equate input with output. Well, we're told 'every action begets equal reaction'. That's very true. You can never expect to reap wheat if you had planted rice. Never! In short, whatever outcome you get today or tomorrow, is as a result of the input you made yesterday or may make today. In very exceptional circumstances, our input is totally different from the output, totally disguised. And this is where we can learn something from the LOTUS. This is a very beautiful plant. Those that have seen it, will agree with me. The strange thing is that it thrives in MUD! Wow!

So don't complain and blame your boss, spouse, parent, friend or neighbour for your misfortune. Simply learn to get adorned even in 'mud'. No matter what others do. No matter what environment they create for you. Make it your aim never to let your environment, circumstance or situation bury you prematurely. Like the lotus, see what benefits you can get by being in the mud.